"Design in art, is a recognition of the relation between various things, various elements in the creative flux. You can't invert a design."

D.H. Lawrence - British Poet and Novelist 1885 - 1930

Recent Project

Key Details

Project Name:
LNT Group
Completion Date:


The LNT Group is based in a landmark 75,000 ft2 building in Garforth which houses both offices and manufacturing facilities and has grow rapidly during the past few years. As such the website needed to be updated to reflect this. The new site uses a combination of PHP, CSS, Flash, AJAX and Javascript to create a professional, yet stylish browsing experience.
Copyright © 2008 Ryan Daniels Design.
This site uses valid CSS and XHTML markup
If you experience any problems using this website, please contact info@ryandaniels.co.uk